Stress And Pregnancy, And Solutions That Work

By Katrina Kaleesy

Like a horse and carriage, stress and pregnancy tend to go together. If you're one of those who can just let it all slide like water off a duck's back, good for you.

The rest of us have to bear the burden of our doubts and anxieties. In pregnancy, of course, it's the endless voice in our head, wondering if the baby will be healthy. Are we eating properly? Sleeping and exercising enough? And, of course, for us first timers, there's the age old doubt: will I be a good mother?

Look, the tendency in some circles to treat stress as a great evil is silly. Stress plays a big role in helping us create, achieve and meet responsibilities.

However, excessive, chronic stress is another matter. And, without doubt, the worst - because least productive - kind of stress is stress about being stressed. And, since excessive, chronic stress in pregnancy can lead to problems for the baby, stressing about stress in pregnancy is understandable and common.

Feeling stressed about whether we're too stressed is pointless and harmful. So, it is necessary to avoid descending a downward spiral created by yourself.

If though you are getting just too concerned about your stress levels, then it might be wise to take positive action: even if only to relieve your stress about stress. I'd suggest two strategies: communicating and taking inventory.

If you're having concerns about the pregnancy, share them with your partner. I know that some pregnant women's stress is precisely over their partner: how is he handling it? Will he be able to cope?

Even if that's your situation, don't refrain from discussing it with him. He might actually feel relieved at the opportunity to let out what's been feeling bottled up. And his feeling more relaxed will likely relax you, too. And even if your stress has nothing to do with him and he's totally cool with everything, often just being able to express your doubts or fears is an amazing elixir.

Not only is there comfort in knowing you're going through this together, but it is often surprising to discover how quickly bad thoughts dispel into nothing once finally stated: like germs exposed to fresh air and sunshine. Letting the bad stuff fester is never healthy.

Friends are also valuable outlets for your communication needs. They don't even necessarily have to be mothers themselves. Your real friends are your friends because they're going to be there for you, whatever happens. Like a rock climber who gives some solid tugs on a line before lowering the full weight of her body onto it, just the occasional, reassuring touching base with your support network goes a long way to comfort you that you're not undertaking this great adventure alone.

The second strategy I'd ask you to consider is inventory taking. It's understandable to wonder about how your eating or exercising practices might affect your baby. Don't stress about it, though. If you have questions, answer them!

We live in the age of the Internet for goodness sake. It's easy to find reliable dietary and fitness information from credible medical and maternal care sources. If you have doubts about some of your choices, find out what you should be doing.

If you're not doing it, then do it. And if it turns out, as it probably will, that you're doing everything just find, then hopefully your mind will be put at ease.

If it turns out though that neither of these strategies provide you the comfort you need, a more determined effort may be required. You just may be prone to worry. That's just the way some of us are put together. Even if so, there's still no reason to overly fret. That is, I still don't want you stressing over stressing. There are a variety of practices well proven for relieving psychological stress through the reduction of physical stress. Try these out for some relief: yoga, deep-breathing, meditation, massage, warm baths are all time-honored remedies.

Also, be sure to take plenty of you-time, to relax. Take advantage of sick days, if you're working out of the home. Put your feet up and let others take over the responsibilities.

Stress only becomes a serious problem when we let it. Cut it off at the pass when you sense it arising and never allow yourself to dwell pointlessly upon negative thoughts. Instead, fill your mind with the peaceful anticipation of how wonderful your new baby is going to be. I hope that the suggestions above go a long way in helping you do so, and contribute to resolving your stress and pregnancy concerns.

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