Local Gresham Tension Headache Sufferers Find Relief With Chiropractic

By John Bolton

There are many different causes for headaches. Before looking for a remedy, it is important to know the source of the pain. A Gresham chiropractor can help patients understand what causes their pain and offers therapy that can reduce the suffering. Many people find chiropractic helps to decrease both frequency and intensity of their pain.

Many headaches begin in the spine. There are many ways the spine becomes misaligned. As a result, the individual experiences pain. Accidents, poor posture or other types of injuries force the vertebrae out of place, putting pressure on nerves. As a result, the nerves send pain indicators to the brain, resulting in a headache.

Chiropractors provide adjustments to restore spinal alignment. They use their hands along with simple tools to gently restore balance to the spine. They also use massage and other non-invasive techniques that release stiff muscles. Removing pressure from nerves allows the body's natural healing processes to take charge.

While there are many types of headaches, tension headaches are the most common. They cause moderate pain located on both sides of one's head. This squeezing pressure may feel like a tight band around the skull. In contrast, migraines cause more severe, throbbing pain and may bring nausea or vision problems.

Lifestyle also affects headaches. The foods you eat, caffeine, stress and sleep habits often increase pain. Allergy sufferers may experience sinus pressure. The chiropractic doctor works to understand the cause of the pain before working out a therapy plan. He considers a medical history and manually examines to spine to find the underlying source. Once the headache cause is discovered, he provides therapy designed specifically for the patient.

Chiropractic offers non-invasive therapy that helps to bring headache relief. Many patients find this approach to their pain beneficial. As balance is restored to the spine, the natural healing forces of one's body take over. As injured nerves heal, the indicators of pain they send to the brain come to an end.

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