The knees are complex structures that involve bones, ligaments, compartments, menisci and cartilage as well as muscles and tendons. When everything works in balance, this joint operates without pain and moves normally. However, if one or more of the components does not operate correctly, the individual often experiences noises, pain and finds his knee does not move correctly. Knee dysfunction can actually be due to several different underlying conditions. However, most of these problems respond to the conservative care provided by a Raleigh chiropractor.
Injuries from sports or other activities may result in knee pain. Running, cycling and many other activities require the legs move in repetitive motion. As a result the individual may experience imbalances causing wear and tear on the joints.
Old injuries are another source of pain. If relatively minor injuries do not receive the necessary care, scar tissue may form. The scar tissue affects the way an individual uses his leg and may result in pain and lead to arthritis and other problems in the joint.
When knees are painful, stiff or make clicking and popping sounds as you walk, you should be examined by a chiropractic doctor. Other causes for a chiropractic exam include swelling, weakness or the feeling that the knee is unable to support your weight. Chiropractors take time to discover the underlying cause of your problem.
Chiropractors provide noninvasive therapy that does not require the use of medication. They provide adjustments to joints in order to restore balance. Other techniques are often used for muscle release when a particular muscle is trapped in a tense position. This allows the body to heal naturally and eliminates pain.
Chiropractors provide therapy for many different ailments. They can help patients find relief of backaches and headaches in addition to knee trouble. The chiropractic doctor provides natural therapy to encourage a wellness lifestyle. As pain is reduced patients find they are able to enjoy life more than ever and participate in the things they love.
Injuries from sports or other activities may result in knee pain. Running, cycling and many other activities require the legs move in repetitive motion. As a result the individual may experience imbalances causing wear and tear on the joints.
Old injuries are another source of pain. If relatively minor injuries do not receive the necessary care, scar tissue may form. The scar tissue affects the way an individual uses his leg and may result in pain and lead to arthritis and other problems in the joint.
When knees are painful, stiff or make clicking and popping sounds as you walk, you should be examined by a chiropractic doctor. Other causes for a chiropractic exam include swelling, weakness or the feeling that the knee is unable to support your weight. Chiropractors take time to discover the underlying cause of your problem.
Chiropractors provide noninvasive therapy that does not require the use of medication. They provide adjustments to joints in order to restore balance. Other techniques are often used for muscle release when a particular muscle is trapped in a tense position. This allows the body to heal naturally and eliminates pain.
Chiropractors provide therapy for many different ailments. They can help patients find relief of backaches and headaches in addition to knee trouble. The chiropractic doctor provides natural therapy to encourage a wellness lifestyle. As pain is reduced patients find they are able to enjoy life more than ever and participate in the things they love.
About the Author:
Chiropractic care relieves foot, leg and spine pain the natural way. Visit this link for more information about an experienced Raleigh chiropractor at now.
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