Discover Why Loc Maintenance Is Important For The Health Of Your Dreads

By Jordan Schmidt

Many people try different methods that would make them look admirable to their peers, friends and workmates. They look for the classiest clothes to wear and apply the best skin products possible. What they forget is that their hair plays a major role in determining the quality of beauty they are looking for. People with properly maintained dreads look attractive than those who new clothes. If you want this to be true to you, you should implement the loc maintenance tips that hair experts give.

It is no longer like in the past when people in different communities would look at those with dreads with suspicion. Actually, most people were associating those with dreads with all bad acts and reputation. If anything bad or unlawful happened somewhere, those near the scene with dreads were the first culprits. They would be condemned falsely due to their dreads. However, things have changed and dreads are among the most fashionable hairstyles to have today.

Dreads will not look great on you if you do not maintain them properly. You should know that dreads you have on your head require moisture to grow and stay healthy. If you do not oil your scalp, the skin around the scalp would stay dry and this may make your dreads to become rough. It is also advisable to cover them at night to allow formation of moisture that keeps your dreadlocks soft.

The nutrients in the food you eat do not only benefit your internal body organs and systems. They also influence the health and growth of your nails and hair. Since hair depends on such nutrients to grow, you should ensure that you eat food with high quantity of vitamins B5, E, A, D and C. Moreover, you should take foods rich in biotin, zinc and omega 3 fatty acids to maintain the nature and color of your dreads.

Some people with dreads do not understand what the doctors mean when they ask them to drink plenty of clean water. Water is one of the most substances your body could receive at any given time. Water keeps your body hydrated and it produces the moisture that your dreads need to be healthy and soft. If you do not take sufficient water, your skin will stay dry and the dreads will be rough.

Many people fail to understand that dreads require much attention and protection than short natural hair. Dreads are sensitive to weather and they lose quality once you expose them to harsh climates. Excess cold or heat can cause serious damage to your dreads if you do not take enough care.

Some people will keep their hands on their heads to feel the dreads and twist them even when it is not necessary. The most surprising thing is that most of the people with dreads are not aware when their hands are twisting their dreads. This is risky since you may undo the twisting a professional had done on your dreads unknowingly.

In conclusion, know the right products you should use to treat your dreads. Although there are many products in the market today, you should try them until you find the right one for you. Do not assume that every chemical hair product you find will work well for your dreads before you try them.

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