Warts Laser Treatment Is Utilized For Severe Cases

By Tanisha Berg

Cauliflower or solid blister-like growths are warts that usually appear on hands and feet. These growths can be treated by warts laser treatment in some cases. Viral infections, mainly types of human papilloma virus (HPV), are usually the cause of these growths.

Since these swellings are due to viral infections, they are contagious. The most common varieties among the 10 varieties of warts are usually the most harmless. The infection enters through areas of broken skin, and can last from a few months to years. Uniquely, these swellings can actually reoccur after years of disappearance.

A wart can vary in size and shape, where it occurs, and what type of human papilloma virus it is. There are about 130 known varieties of the human papilloma virus. It infects the squamous epithelium tissues, usually on your skin or genitals. However usually, different types of HPV can infect specific parts of the body.

Most HPV varieties cause benign growths in the infected areas called warts, or papilloma. Most of the harmless common ones have specific appearances under a microscope. There is hyperkeratosis, which is the thickening of the stratum corneum; acanthosis, which is the thickening of the stratum spinosum; and the thickening of the stratum granulosum. There is also rete ridge elongation and larger blood vessels at the dermoepidermal junction.

Doctor's offices and clinics will tell you that there are many different ways and procedures to treat warts. In more extreme cases, laser surgery may be required to burn them off with light beams or lasers. However, there is a chance that the lumps in those areas might reappear even after they are destroyed.

In laser surgery, either local or general anesthetics might be used. This depends on the amount of warts and the size of the area that would be treated. The wound area will most likely be painful for the next few days after the surgery, but the general recovery time depends on the size of the area and where on the body is treated.

After surgery; if the wound bleeds for more than a week, there is severe pain, fever, or bad-smelling and yellow discharge; give your doctor a call. These symptoms can indicate that there is an infection in the wound. Cleaning the treated area on a regular basis can help you avoid this.

You need to know when laser surgery might be important to have. It is only considered when all medicine has failed to get rid of the swellings, the growths are very widespread and large, or if the patient is pregnant. In most cases of pregnancy, refer to your doctor's expert advice on whether or not to have the surgery.

There are some risks of infection for wart removal surgery. Look out for any signs of infection during your recovery such as increased amounts of pain, tenderness, excessive heat, swelling or redness, red streaks, discharge of pus, or fever that reaches past 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Other cons of laser surgery include expensive treatment and the fact that it is extreme enough to be the last choice for wart removal. However, the positive aspect about this procedure is that it requires only a local anesthetic and usually does not cause and latent scarring.

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