7 Kinds Of Vegetarian We Didn't Know

By Huang Junwei

Don't want meat into your diet plan? Simply let go meat and seek vegetarianism? Certainly, you can accomplish it!

The truly amazing purpose powering veganism.

Stepping into Veganism isn't the concern of enjoying or loathing animal meat for not feeding on it, it is the significant driver behind the reason why many are choosing vegan chosen lifestyle. Practising Vegetarianism? Here are the purposes why you ought to:

Availability. Delicious manufacture vegetarian foods are accessible throughout the year.

Economical. Vegetarian products are very affordable. They do not commonly cost more to manufacture than animal meat items. Therefore, their retail prices are mostly economical.

Possibilities. There are lots of choices readily available for vegan to pick from nowadays.

Ecosystem and Nature. Choosing vegetarianism could immensely lessen depletion of rainforests, climate change and pollution in addition to safeguarding our entire world!

Health and fitness. Medical examiners throughout the world has medically proven that having a well-planned Vegan diet plan rewards in the elimination and flattened the treatment for a range of critical health hazards for example, coronary heart ailments, malnutrition, unhealthy weight, hypertension, high cholesterol level and consequently extends life span and avoid premature death.

Your Way of Life.

Allow me to share a list of Seven Different kinds of Vegan to choose from. Here are the choices if you wished to switch on pursuing vegetarianism.

Vegan. Vegans are an absolute kind of vegetarian who strictly does not consume animal meat along with its byproducts and refrain from using goods obtain or derive from any kind of animals beings. Vegans are a group of people from all over the world that cares about animal cruelty and rights!

Flexi or Semi Vegetarian. Also sometimes referred as 'on and off' Vegetarians are the liberal types of vegetarians among the strict vegetables indulgence of the Vegetarians. This group occasionally consume or practice reduced meat consumption with highlights of abstaining mainly from the so-called red meat and consume occasionally only white meats from poultry and fishes. Semi-vegetarians were often criticized for having half-hearts whether going into full vegetarianism or not.

Lactovegetarian. This vegetarian group prefers not to eat any kind of animal flesh including animal eggs but rather prefers consuming products like dairy milk, cheese, and yogurt.

Ovo vegetarian is a kind of vegetarian who does not consume animal meat/product and dairy product such as milk but prefers consuming eggs.

Ovolactovegetarian, who are also known as lacto-ovovegetarians, are vegetarians who do not eat fish, poultry, or red meat but accept eggs, milk, and honey as part of their diet. They believe that these foods can be obtained without killing the animals who produce them.

Pescetarianism is the vegetarian practice of following a diet that includes fish or other seafood, but not the flesh of other animals.

Fruitarians are a kind of vegetarian who only consume natural food such as fruits, nuts and seeds.


Whichever type of Vegetarian are you and whether you believe that Vegetarianism is a way to save, be healthy or a nature and animal-friendly concept. Being a vegetarian is always a ready and wise alternative for one's eating habit and preference. And these different types of vegetarian options are but just an avenue for your choice to live a healthier you.

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