The Best Green Tea For Weight Loss

By Dan Rathers

Drinking green tea has the benefit of possibly helping people to lose weight. It does so by helping the body to burn fats and calories, and it is used as an ingredient in many popular diet pills. That is the connection between green tea and weight loss If you drink the green tea, the results are not as fast as if you take the ingredients in a pill, but studies have shown that a gradual loss of weight over a period of time is much healthier than a crash diet, where a lot of weight is lost in a short time.

Some studies have found green tea extract, which is rich in polyphenols and catechism, to be useful for obesity management since it induces thermogenesis and stimulates fat oxidation. A type of catching prevalent in green tea, epigallocatechin gal late (EGCG), is said to increase resting metabolism and stimulate fat-burning. Dutch researchers helped 76 people lose weight and, over the next three months, gave the patients either a 270-milligram capsule of green tea or a placebo every day. The group who took the green tea continued to lose weight but the group taking the placebo soon regained their lost weight.

It is important to note that all these weight loss claims that are made about pills with green tree e extract do not have any substantial support. On most web sites, there are plenty of testimonials showings pictures of people who have benefited from the pill. However, these testimonials are not a hundred percent reliable. The companies producing these weight loss products are solely concerned with making substantial profit from sales of their product. They will say anything as a marketing device to sell their product. The testimonials are really not to educate a potential client but instead they are created as a marketing device to sell their products.

Green Tea extract is effective for Weight loss. Green tea extract is in all SOTARI products. Green tea extract in SOTARI's unique and Effective Weight Loss Blend work synergistically to increase the metabolic rate. An increased metabolism is one key factor to sustained weight loss. Without a faster metabolism, weight loss is a battle. SOTARI delivers the key to sustained, dependable weight loss by delivering a blend with multiple safe, non-drug ingredients that sustain weight loss via metabolic increase as well as helping to quell desires to consume unneeded calories.

No green tea product is going to help you lose weight just by taking it alone. It's not a magic pill. Green tea is a diuretic, so you will experience some water weight loss but that is not permanent. Green tea has been proven in scientific studies to aide in weight loss by increasing the metabolism by up to 4%. Your metabolism is how fast your body can process fat to fuel, which is how weight is lost. Green tea has also been shown to increase energy levels, similar to caffeine, which can help you keep up with exercise routines.

Obesity is the result long term energy balance wherein an individual has had excess energy intake and very little energy expenditure. In order for an individual to lose weight, there needs tube shift to a negative energy balance. This can be achieved by decreasing energy intake and or increasing expenditure. A negative energy balance is needed to produce weight loss and can be achieved by either decreasing intake (eating less food) or increasing expenditure (exercise). No diet supplement or weight loss pill can help an individual lose weight without cutting down on food intake, eating healthy and or exercise. Green tea is a fabulously healthy drink but it is completely faux in causing tremendous weight loss.

Apart from weight loss, green tea diet patch offers some health benefits too. Green tea is said to beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels, and for preventing certain types of cancer. As compared to some other weight loss products and diet plans, green tea diet patch is claimed to be devoid of any side effect. It is also contended that it helps to lose weight naturally, as it suppresses appetite, and increases the rate of metabolism. This claim is supported by a study conducted on rats, which showed that the rats which were injected with green tea lost up to 21% of their body weight.

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