A To-Do List Prior To A Mommy Makeover Northwest Indiana Surgeons Say Will Aid Recovery

By Mary Johnson

Childbirth is a miracle in many respects. Very few women regret what they had to go through to get the kids they have. There are physical consequences for many new mothers though, that most had not expected. Your stomach may not be as tight, and your breasts might be shaped differently. When you decide on a mommy makeover northwest Indiana surgeons say there are some things you can do in advance to make the recovery easier.

Before you ever commit to surgery, you need to do a lot of research. Makeovers of this kind are expensive and can be complicated. You want to make sure you are working with an experienced medical team with a proven track record. You need to consult with at least three surgeons before committing to one. The cost should not be the deciding factor. Your safety and health are more important than money.

Hopefully you don't smoke, but if you do this surgery can be a good motivation to quit. Even if the state of your lungs, heart, and other vital organs has not gotten you to stop, maybe your vanity can. Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor. It reduces blood flower. When surgeons operate on sensitive parts of the body like nipples and belly buttons, having an adequate blood supply is critical.

You aren't going to jump up off the operating table after this kind of surgery. You won't be able to do everything for yourself and your family right away. You are going to need someone to come in and handle the household chores and as well as provide transportation for your kids. You will probably find dressing yourself and preparing meals things you will need help doing.

You have to get your house ready before you have surgery as well. You should go ahead and stock any medications and supplies you will need. Bandages, antibacterial soaps, and lotions are things you can get in advance. You might consider preparing meals and freezing them so they will be available for you and your family.

While you are recovering, makeup and fitted clothing should be low on your agenda of things to worry about. You'll be much more comfortable in loose fitting garments. If necessary, you can go on a shopping spree at the local discount store and pick up some inexpensive items. Once you are fully recovered, you can make a donation of the clothing to your favorite charity.

Post surgery is not the time to act like you are a super woman. Your family needs to understand that they will have to step up and help. You should be able to freely communicate with your partner about how you feel and what can be done to make your recovery go more smoothly.

Giving birth is a body altering experience. You may never look like you did before you had children. If you have the money and the emotional need, surgery may give you the boost in self-confidence you needed.

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