3 Wellness Tips For Horseback Riders, PEMF Therapy Included

By Robin Setser

It's safe to assume that horseback riders know a fair amount about equine wellness. After all, in order to continue plying their craft, they must be able to keep their animals in top condition. With that said, wellness is one of the most diverse aspects to learn about, especially when you bring topics like PEMF therapy into the fold. Here are just 3 of the most important wellness tips that riders should be aware of.

One of the things to know about equine wellness, according to the likes of Assisi Animal Health, is pain relief. While there are numerous methods that can be adopted, such as physical therapy, it seems like PEMF therapy for horses is one of the most effective. It's easy to see why, as it provides electromagnetic waves that focus on aching areas, soothing them over the course of time. It's a great solution that more horseback riders should be aware of.

Did you know that horses, much like other animals, show illness through a variety of symptoms? Laminitis, which is a common equine illness that affects the feet, can be determined through different signs. The most obvious ones are swelling around the feet and limping. This is just one example, but it speaks volumes about how important it is to detect symptoms early on. Anyone that specializes in equine care would be hard-pressed to argue.

Finally, make sure that you wash your horse every single day. One of the reasons for this is that it reduces the chances of flies being attracted to your animal, which decreases the risk of illness by proxy. Daily baths will ensure that your horse's coat of fur remains clean and strong, as opposed to shedding when it shouldn't. While bathing your animal probably goes without saying, there are numerous benefits that deserve recognition.

Equestrians know all too well about the majesty and grace that horses possess. They also know that, despite their physical strengths, they can still experience health-related problems. This is why it's important, as a pet owner, to keep your animal's quality of life at a high level. Methods like these are just a few that can be carried out, but they should provide the best collective starting point that can be built upon.

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